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  1. Merci j’ai réglé le problème j’ai désactivé détection de poignet dans la catégorie code et sa fonctionne merci

  2. Remember to turn off battery saver, I turned it on last night and completely forgot until I read the part about theatre mode

    1. Same for me; the 2 masks were too small for me to notice. I tried all the other suggestions until finally reading about theatre mode, a feature I hadn’t known about or needed yet. This “theatre mode” should get more generally known about. I did not find it on Apple’s website, for example.

  3. Correction:
    I use my Iwatch Surfsking – which is like paddling a kayak.

    The screen does NOT stay “alway on”. I”m 62 and I really need to monitor my heart rate and miles per hour. Techs at Apple say this problem is not fixable.

    It has to do with the angle of my wrist while paddling – screen will turn black even though the “always on” feature is on,

  4. I use my Iwatch Surfsking game which is like paddling a kayak.

    The screen does NOT stay “alway on”. I”m 62 and I really need to monitor my heart rate and miles per hour. Techs at Apple say this problem is not fixable.

    It has to do with the angle of my wrist while paddling – screen will turn black even though the “always on” feature is on,

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