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  1. Thank you very much
    I use a lot of older programs that are not supported on the latest update Big Sur. By changing the command from catalina to Big sur, it solved my problem. Thank you!

  2. Hmm. It did work under Mohave until I installed the latest security update.
    Now I get the message:
    Ignoring software updates is deprecated.
    The ability to ignore individual updates will be removed in a future release of macOS.


  3. As of 10.14.6 the command has been deprecated and no longer works. One can, it seems, click into System Preferences, Software Update, Advanced, and make sure to uncheck “Install macOS updates.”

  4. THANK YOU! the notification was driving me crazy, it wouldnt go away even after I installed the software.

  5. This worked for me to remove reminder for update but the red notification badge comes back after rebooting or when another check is made.
    You can run killall dock again but it doesn’t apply permanently 🙁

  6. Thanks for sharing this. I downgraded from Mojave back to High Sierra because I wanted CUDA drivers for my Nvidia card to work and I want / need some old drivers (some of which are 32bit). This is super.

  7. Type “sudo -i” (no quotes) into a terminal before entering and other commands. Password will only be asked for once. You will be SU for the whole term of the terminal session. You can make this permanent so terminal defaults to this by opening terminal preferences, shell and typing it into the startup, run command. Make sure you tick the run inside shell box.

  8. Like Michael, Terminal won’t accept my password either. I followed all steps in “How to Disable Update Notification in Software Update”: entered
    sudo softwareupdate –ignore “macOS Catalina” in Terminal, hit enter, it asked for my password, entered it + hit enter, it said “wrong password, try again”. Retried 2x more, it said “password entered incorrect 3 times” so stopped there.
    What to do now? I don’t want to update my OS + the reminder banner is driving me nuts!

  9. This worked brilliantly at first. Since recent update, I no longer get notified to update to Catalina, but the notification badge appears as soon as it checks for an update.

  10. hey michael, in the terminal at a sudo password prompt, the typed characters don’t appear, but they do get registered. only when you hit return will it report if the password is correct or not. if that’s not your problem, please provide a bit more details about what you’re doing, expecting, and seeing.

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