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  1. Updating to catalina has ruined nearly everthing on my computer and locked microsoft so it can’t be used. My Passport is also locked. Being unable open Pages files now, is another problem in a long line of things stuffed by this update. A warning that older computers can’t handle Catalina would have been appreciated. But it seems Apple excecutives have no ethical standards in running their business. One would think they’re trying to force people to pay a few thousand dollars for new Apple products. However, I won’t be buying from a business who lacks ethical practices. I’m one on a megga list of extremly angy Apple customers with buggered computers, plus.

    1. You just might have echoed the very content, tho I have no permissions to express my issue.
      I know too well what it does to one- as the problems are identifiable; not important enough to fix…after all, there are plenty replacements.

  2. Hi guys

    Having a similar issue. On pages app – trying to ‘authenticate’ the file before opening, it won’t work and this message keepings popping up. it won’t work. any ideas?

  3. double clicking pages icon does nothing. the app is not responding. but selecting a pages file will open the app smoothly. what’s wrong here? tried reinstalling. latest version OS Catalina.

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