Please Contact iTunes Support to Complete This Transaction
It seems that several users are having this iTunes Store / App Store error that reads “Please contact iTunes Support to complete this transaction”. This short article explains what you can do to fix if you experince this problem.
You can buy content (Apps, Music, Books, Movies etc) from the iTunes Store or App Store with your Apple ID. You may be asked to review your billing / credit card info which then leads to this error message. It seems that users who try to buy free or paid apps or other content may experience this.
See also: Your Purchase Could Not Be Completed
This issue is pretty important because until you resolve this, you will not be able to download and install any apps, in-apps or other content. Here is what you can do:
Please Contact iTunes Support to Complete This Transaction, Fix
1. On your iOS device, go to Settings > iTunes & App Stores and tap your Apple ID and then Sign out. After signing out, tap Settings > iTunes & App Stores and sign in.
2. It is possible that you are having this problem because you may have multiple Apple devices (Mac, iPad , iPhone etc) sharing the same iTunes account.If this is the case for you:
- On your iOS device, go to Settings > iTunes & App Stores > Your Apple ID > View Apple ID (you may be asked to sing in, if asked, please sign in). This will take you to the Account Settings page. Now tap Payment Information and re-enter CVV field (Security Code) and verify everything (your billing address etc) and then tap Done.
- You can also do this online by going to and the enter your Apple ID and password. Scroll down and find the Payment & Shipping section and click Edit. And then verify everything.
3. On your computer, open iTunes then, click Store and Account. This is your account page. Simply scroll down and find the “Reset all warnings for buying and downloading” link and click Reset.
4. This error may be because of your default App Store location settings. First let’s make sure that this setting is correct. You will need to accept new terms and conditions and your payment method will need to be valid for this new country. You can do this, online or on your Mac or iOS device, here is how:
- On your iOS device, go to Settings > iTunes & App Store >Your Apple ID (you may be asked to sign in, if so enter your Apple ID and password to sing in) > View Apple ID and then tap Payment Information. Now scroll down and find your Country/Region setting. Make sure this reflects your correct location. If now change it. To change tap Back and tap Country/Region and tap Change Country or Region and then follow the instructions. You will be asked to accept the new Terms and Conditions. Make sure that your payment method will match with this country.
- On your computer, you can do this via iTunes. Here is how: open iTunes on your computer and then click Store > Account > View my Account and find the “Apple ID Summary” section. You will see your Country/Region setting, if this is not correct, click “Change Country or Region” and then follow the instructions.
- To do this online, go to and sign in by entering your Apple ID and password. Now find the Account section and if country/region section is not correct click Edit.
See also: Can’t connect to App Store
If you are having this issue contact Apple Support. You can also send feedback to Apple.
See also: How to Cancel Your iTunes (apps, iTunes Store, iBooks etc) Purchases
The “please contact iTunes support to complete this transaction” error message is really frustrating, please can you do something about, I can’t download my apps
And also I can’t find “itunes and App Store” in my settings😭
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I’m registering for the first time and i have selected None as a payment method. how do i fix this problem “please contact iTunes support to complete this transaction“
how do i fix this problem “please contact iTunes support to complete this transaction,im registering for the first time and i have selected None as a payment method
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please make it to work in AppStore’s and iTunes Store plz plz plz
What happen to this Apple ID
I tried these as well restarting my password the works and nothing has happened it is still saying my account is disabled
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Payment Method – None
“Please contact iTunes support to complete this transaction”
This is a business phone and the payment plan is NONE
Twitter is next on my destination, its the only place I get a response from.
when i try to get an app i need to verify my billing information, so i do but then it says ‘currently unable to complete this transaction’. it has been doing this for a long time, what should i do?
Hi, I’m having trouble on my iPad it says my account has been disabled in the App Store and iTunes. I went to settings changed my password under Apple ID etc. and it’s still saying the same thing when I click on snap chat , Instagram, my online banking. Everything was fine yesterday and today it’s doing this. I want to know what are my options or the best next step to take in this situation?
I’m having the same problem, did you get a fix?
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