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  1. I like your list and used it, though the problem was something more. For anyone else’s benefit I was dealing with iOS 13.3 and Mojave 10.14.6

    Close iTunes on Mac, disconnect, then reconnect your iOS device.
    [tried this to no avail]
    Make sure your Mac and iOS device are up to date.
    [iPhone, iPad, iMac, and MBPro were all up to date, except for the Safari 13.0.4/ Mojave update)
    Ensure that the time and date on your iOS device and computer are set the same.
    [iPhone, iPad, iMac, and MBPro were all set to the current time and date)
    Your USB cable or port may cause this problem. Try a different lighting cable and a different USB port on your computer.
    [Tried 2 different cables and multiple ports on both Macs]
    Reset the System Management Controller (SMC) on your Mac. Apple’s documentation explains how you can do this.
    [Highly unlikely, didn’t need to for solution]
    Reset NVRAM on your Mac. Hold the Option, Command, P, and R keys until a 2nd reboot.
    [Did this a few times and also booted into Safe mode, but didn’t make a difference]

    Deleted the following files
    in /Users/username/Library/Caches:

    in /Users/username/Library/Containers: (not recreated after connecting)

    in /Users/username/Library/Preferences: (not recreated after connecting) (all encrypted) (partially encrypted, many references to user folders for syncing and more) (not recreated after connecting)

    This is multiple layers of issues. I found the Safari 13.0.4/Mojave update installed some files or framework on macOS Mojave that provided what was needed to install on the iOS device when it was connected. However, there was also something being referenced that didn’t allow the iOS install to happen. This is why I deleted the above list of files. After going through this twice, I suspect the /Users/PRiolo/Library/Preferences/ is the offending file. Having the list at hand is good, just in case.

    1. Hi there, I tried all of the things mentioned, still getting the error:

      “Installation failed. Can’t download the software because of a network problem.” (after the initial pop up: “A software update is required to connect to xx’ iPhone. Would you like to download and install this update now? Use of this software is subject…”)

      Checked my internet connection and whatnot, nothing seems to fix the problem.

      (Trying to connect my iPhone 7 running ios 14.0.1 to my Macbook Pro mid 2012 running Mojave 10.14.6.)

      Any help would be much appreciated!

  2. I nearly always experience this problem when I connect an iOS device which is not fully charged. I have tried different iOS devices, different cables, and switched between the two USB ports on my mid-2015 MBP. Once I charge up the device, it connects as expected.

  3. The problem seems to be mobiledevicemanager.

    On my ipad, sometimes itunes doesn’t recognize the ipad and when i look at the mobiledevicemanager there is an error 1027. When the ipad is recognized there are many lines of information and it syncs fine. I’m running Mojave and IOS 12.1.2. This is an apple problem, brought it to apple and the “Genius bar” has no idea other than the usual “restore everything”…that didn’t work either.

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