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  1. Hi!
    The first suggestion above is to “Check your settings. Open System Preferences and click Keyboard.” Could you be more specific about what to check or do exactly?

    Many thanks.


  2. I managed to get this problem when I press down shift and emjo icon at the same time.
    Found the following solution in a forum. However, the box was not checked, but when I checked and unchecked, everything worked as it should again.

    “Found that I mistakenly turned on a setting when setting up a zoom short cut. Select Apple menu () > System Preferences. Then click on Accessibility, select Zoom, and turn off Enable Touch Bar Zoom.”

    1. Jens, you are a life-saver…. I have been struggling with another problem re my touch bar which was when I wanted to adjust the brightness or volume, the slider would not work until I pressed the corresponding icon and waiting for a kind of ‘icon timer’ to whizz round from 0 to 360 degrees. I hope I explained that well but you can try it and see what happens to the volume and brightness control when the fix that you mentioned is checked. However, this didn’t solve my emojis not appearing on the touch bar but the CTRL-CMD-SP is an ideal fix. Many thanks…

    2. What is the “down shift”????
      My zoom has been disabled on the Accessibility options, but my emojis on the touchbar still don’t work unless I reboot the computer EACH time i want to have it work. 😱

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