How To Type Symbols On Your Mac
There are a lot of symbols that you may want to enter while you are using your Mac. Not all symbols and characters appear on the Apple keyboard. Even though they are not on your keyboard, it does not mean that they don’t exist. Sometimes, however, it can be difficult to find the symbol you need. This article explains how you can easily enter symbols into a document, email, or text message.
There are basically two ways:
- You can use keyboard combinations (shortcuts).
- You can also use the Keyboard Character Viewer.
You can also customize your shortcut symbols.
See also: USB Keyboard Not Working On Your Mac?
Foreign characters
Here are some of the most common foreign characters.
Symbol | Description | Shortcut |
¡ | Upside-down exclamation mark | Option+1 |
¿ | Upside-down question – inverted- mark | Shift+Option+? |
Ç,ç | French C cedilla | Shift+Option+C (caps) Option+C (lowercase) |
ß | German Sharp/Double S | Option+S |
Ø,ø | Nordic O slash | Shift+Option+O (caps) Option+O (lowercase) |
Å,å | Nordic A ring | Shift+Option+A (caps) Option+A (lowercase) |
« » | Spanish/French quotation marks | Option+\ Shift+Option+\ |
Ú | Latin uppercase U with acute | Shift+Option+; |
Ô | Latin uppercase O with circumflex | Option + Shift + j |
Ò | Latin uppercase O with grave | Option + Shift + l |
Ï | Latin uppercase I with diaeresis | Option + Shift + f |
 | Latin uppercase A with circumflex | Option + Shift + m |
ı | Latin lowercase dotless I | Option + Shift + b |
Æ,æ | Latin Æ | Option + Shift + ‘ (caps) Option + ‘(lowercase) |
Currency symbols
Here is how you can enter currency symbols.
Symbol | Description | Shortcut |
¢ | Cent | Option+4 |
£ | UK Pound | Option+3 |
¥ | Japanese Yen | Option+Y |
€ | Euro | Shift+Option+2 |
ƒ | Dutch Florin | Option+F |
$ | US Dollar | Shift+4 |
Copyright and trademark symbols
Here is how you can enter the trademark and copyright symbols on your Mac.
Symbol | Description | Shortcut |
© | Copyright symbol | Option+G |
® | Registered | Option+R |
™ | Trademark | Option+2 |
| Apple symbol | Option+Shift+k |
Punctuation marks
Here is how you can enter the punctuation marks on your Mac.
Symbol | Description | Shortcut |
“ | Left double quotation mark | Option+[ |
” | Right double quotation mark | Option+Shift+[ |
‘ | Left single quotation mark | Option+] |
’ | Right single quotation mark | Option+Shift+] |
„ | Double low quotation mark | Option+Shift+w |
• | Bullet – dot | Option+8 |
¶ | Paragraph symbol | Option+7 |
§ | Section | Option+6 |
– | En-dash | Option+- |
— | Em-dash | Shift+Option+- |
Mathematical symbols
Are you a mathematician? Then following shortcuts are for you.
Symbol | Description | Shortcut |
# | Number sign | Option+3 |
÷ | Division | Option+? |
≤ | Less than or equal to | Option+< |
≥ | Greater than or equal to | Option+> |
^ | Circumflex | Option+i |
√ | Square root | Option+v |
≠ | Not equal to | Option+= |
≈ | Almost equal to | Option+x |
± | Plus-minus | Option+Shift+= |
∞ | Infinity | Option+5 |
ø | Empty set | Option+o |
∑ | Summation or Sigma | Option+w |
ƒ | Function | Option+f |
∫ | Integral | Option+b |
∂ | Partial differential | Option+d |
‰ | Per Mil (1/1000) | Shift+Option+R |
µ | Micro | Option+m |
Ω | Ohm or omega sign | Option+z |
∏ | Product Pi Symbol | Shift+Option+p |
Δ | Delta/Difference | Option+j |
π | Pi symbol | Option+p |
° | The degree symbol | Shift+Option+8 |
¬ | Not sign | Option + l |
◊ | Diamond or lozenge | Option + Shift + v |
See also: Keyboard Double Space Problem
Using the Keyboard Character Viewer
macOS has a rather useful built-in utility called the Keyboard Viewer. You can use this tool to have access to nearly all Unicode & special characters. There are two ways to use this tool:
- Use its shortcut to open it: Press Control–Command–Space bar. This will open a popup that lets you enter all kinds of emojis and symbols. You can open this popup anytime you want. When you are done, you can click the (x) icon to close it.
- You can also add this option in your menu bar for easy access. You will need to activate it. Here is how:
Creating custom Mac keyboard shortcuts symbols
You can create custom shortcuts for all keyboard symbols so that you can input easily. You may want to do this, for example, if you need to enter certain symbols very often. Here is how:
- Click the Apple menu and System Preferences.
- Click Keyboard.
- Click the Text tab.
- You can add or remove (by clicking the plus or minus sign).
See also: How To Show Hidden Files On Your Mac
Brilliant list, but it does not help with my symbol.
I live in French territory and am quite comfortable typing English on it even though it has big differences. For example, when I switch between French and US International with the top bar, I cannot find square brackets. Same for curly brackets and more when using Sublime Text or Brackets. The French seem to think these symbols are unnecessary, or made so many extra characters that they ran out of space for keys.
Even if I switch to US, these symbols are not obvious using key combinations I try. On a PC it is supposed to be Alt + 91 and 93, so what is that key combination in MAC?
How would you deal with this situation?