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  1. I’m not sure why your screenshots show something different, but on my 2015 iMac, using internet recovery would not give me the option of reinstalling the original OS (in this case, El Capitain). Instead, the option was to reinstall Sierra.

    After spending too much time searching for a solution; I read that on Sierra, there are actually two key combinations that allow one to enter internet recovery. Command + Option + R (used in your example) will give the user the option of installing the most recent OS that his machine is capable of supporting. However, pressing Shift+Option+Command+R is the only way to get the original OS to reinstall.

    Hope this helps others who have the same question.

    1. My account is also unavailable,I just restart it today and they want to install OS X EL Capitan and when k sign in it wont let me

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