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  1. I literally cannot believe this ridiculous trick worked! I made sure no one was looking before I held the laptop upside down over my head and jammed the spacebar 5-6 times. It actually worked! Now, I can type non-stop without having to correct my extra spaces and periods after every few words.
    Maybe there was dust and crumbs stuck underneath the keys. I never thought of this, and probably would have spent so much money and time trying to fix a 2-second-fixable issue.

  2. Wow, the upside down tapping thing actually worked like a charm!? Didn’t know that it would be this easy. Many thanks

  3. The method of covering the space bar with your mouth and sucking is extremely effective. Make sure to find someone with a large mouth and strong lung capacity to really get all the debris out. 10/10 would recommend.

  4. great stuff!! slammed my spacebar with my middle finger and gave it a good s u c k. it actually did the job. thank you 🙂

  5. I didn’t want to believe it, but wouldn’t you know, it worked. 5 colorful slams with my middle and ring finger, followed by a nintendo clearing blow under the space bar…everything’s back to normal.

  6. OMG – it just worked for me too – although the problem migrated over to the e key but I’ll do it again over there. obviously there is something under there so at some point, I’ll have it cleaned professionally

  7. This worked for me — on a third party “gamer” keyboard attached to my imac desktop! It’s not even an Apple keyboard!! I’ve been backspacing that one random extra space for a year. Tried compressed air etc. nothing ever worked. Five slams on the space bar .. and I have my life back! Thanks for rescuing me!!!

  8. I cannot believe this worked that is amazing!! I wasted all of my day being on the phone with apple trying to fix this and this worked!! I would so recommend! THANK YOU

  9. what kinda slam are we talking here? My wife just looked at me like im mental? and as you can see, it didnt work yet…

  10. O my gosh this fixed my problem. by firmly hitting the spacebar my problems has vanished.
    well i guess brute force can work after all.

  11. Great Scott! The “bang 5 times” method worked for me, too! Things they don’t tell you at the Genius Bar…

  12. i hope the double spacing is gone now. Someone who doesn’t have a life please proof read this, as i tried the five hard slaams on the keybord, but i’m not so sure about it, just saw i typed another double space. UUUUGHHH i haave so many keys thata double its so aannoying. maainly the a. which makes me sound like a pirate in emails or someone who forgot how to type maainly. god. does aanyone haave any advise because i can’t be bothered going to the apple store or proof reading this paragraph. PLEEEEEase help!

  13. Hahahahaha. I have been fighting with this for weeks. I didn’t “slam” mine but struck with extra force 5 times and sure as hell if it didn’t work!

    1. This is a test of the keyboard after hitting the spacebar 5 times. So far there are no double spaces. I can’t believe this worked and without issue. Exactly 5 hits with some decent force and no more double spaces. The key repeat being completely off did not work at all, which baffles me still. Wow this really worked..

  14. I’m having trouble with my computer adding spaces after the word “i ” is typed. Example, it just happened above! It happens in gmail and other internet forms but NOT in word. any help?

  15. this is crazy…when in doubt, be rough with it. Worked for me too although i was a little unsure how “slam” was defined. 5 good firm taps worked for me! Thanks!

  16. I honestly thought that the “slamming 5 times” method was ridiculous….but my gosh it worked!!! I tried everything, including calling tech, going to the Apple store…..but my problem is completely resolved from the 5x’s slam! Thanks!

  17. haha thank you Peter, the 5 hit trick worked for me too! Maybe Apple should put that on their troubleshooting page haha!

  18. I noticed that turning off key repeat does NOT apply to the spacebar—just characters. This is annoying, because the only key that is randomly repeating for me is the spacebar. I tried the slamming it hard five times trick. No dice for me.

  19. I got rid of the double space by slamming the space bar very hard like 5 times. I tried shaking it, compressed air, etc. Nothing worked until I just figured some blunt force may shake out whatever was loose or dust that was in the way.

    1. Peter,

      You are an absolute genius, my friend. I was literally tearing my hair out because of the double spacing problem, and the five slams on the space bar fixed it immediately!

      I write for a living and this has saved me. I tried cleaning, settings BS, all that crap.

      Five bangs on the space bar. No more, no less. Miraculous!!!

      A million thank yous to you.

      1. I can’t believe it but this actually really worked. Thanks guys, you made my day! Also “sucking on the space bar” as an option for cleaning? Yuck…

      2. This is absolutely a tried and true method. After seeing the comments on this, I tried it first, and it TOTALLY WORKED.

      3. Holy! S–T! It worked at least for now! Being in lockdown I can’t take my Apple to be fixed. No Apple stores are open near me. Hitting the space bar actually bloody worked! Thank you so much! God bless! Not one extra space! Boo-yah!

        1. I was initially very skeptical about this method, but it actually worked! For months I was so annoyed about this issue and all it took was banging the keyboard lol.

    2. Brute force method for the win. Five firm bangs just fixed my double-spacing problem as well. Peter you belong in the genius bar.

    3. Peter,

      I originally looked at your comment and thought it was a joke. More wrong I couldn’t have been. Your five hit method works like a charm however it does require more hits every once in a while.

    4. THIS…FREAKING…WORKED. I mean, I am sure that everyone at this Starbucks is convinced that I might need an anger intervention, but This worked.

    5. Bahahah! Worked for me too! Reminds me of the “technical” strategy of blowing into the original Nintendo.


      Brute force FTW.

      Thank you.

      (for ppl that hesitates to try, it really works, no joke)

    7. Thanks so much Peter, I was gonna send it to Apple for fixing but the 5 slams definitely worked! Saves me so much time and hassles!

    8. This is insane, but I tried this and it apparently actually worked! It has been driving me crazy for months, as everything I’ve typed has been riddled with extra spaces. I’ve tried cleaning and changing settings (which weren’t changed from the original settings). I was about to call tech support but knew I couldn’t take my computer in and couldn’t do without it long enough to get it repaired.

      Five bangs exactly to the space bar, and voila! You are the true Apple genius!

    9. Holy mother of god, how did you even figure this out. I did this too and now I’m sorted. 5 smacks to the spacebar!!! Wuhoooo

  20. I have a MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2018, Four Thunderbolt 3 Ports) and I’m encountering this problem as well. Extremely frustrating. I went to my local Apple Store at Ross Park Mall in Pittsburgh, the Genius Bar replaced the space bar in the store however the issue is still occurring. I will be sending in my computer to Apple for repair. Also, I wish Apple would maintain equal specs on non Touch Bar MacBook Pro for users who do heavy data entry. Touch Bar is not necessarily the wave of the future.

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