iOS: Stuck On Updating iCloud Settings, Fix
Yesterday, I was trying update the iOS software on my iPad. Everything went smoothly. I went to Settings > General > Software Update > Download and Install. The download and then installation process began automatically. My device restarted and I was following the instructions in the setup assistant. I was asked to enter my Apple ID and passcode to sign in.
Then my screen started to show “Updating iCloud Settings” and was stuck there for more than an hour. This short article explains how I resolved this problem.
You may experience this issue when you attempt to setup, restore or update your iPhone or iPad.
Please note that if your device has a lot of photos, videos, documents etc, this iCloud set up process may take a while.
See also:
FIXES: Updating iCloud Settings
Here are some fixes you may try if this process takes a long time.
The first thing you should do is to restart your device. To do that, press and hold the power button (Sleep/Wake) until you see the “slide to power off” slider. Slide the slider and wait a few seconds. Now press and hold the power button until the Apple logo appears.
If your device stuck again, this time skip the iCloud setup process. When you are asked to set up iCloud, tap Skip. Once the update finishes, go to Settings > iCloud and enter your Apple ID to turn on iCloud.
Force Restart
You may try to force restart your device. Do not worry, you will not lose anything. Here is how:
- iPhone 7: Press and hold both the Sleep/Wake (On/Off) and Volume Down buttons together until the Apple logo appears.
- Other iOS devices: Press and hold both the Sleep/Wake (On/Off) and Home buttons simultaneously until you see the Apple logo.
Apple Servers
Apple servers may be busy or down. If this is the case, you will have trouble. But it is not you. These issues are temporary and Apple fix it.
Internet Connection
Make sure that you have an internet connection.
- Make sure that your router is on and you are not too far away from it.
Use iTunes to Update
To do this you need to have a computer, Mac or Windows. Make sure that you have the latest version of iTunes installed on your computer. If not, update iTunes (iTunes > Help > Check for Updates). Here is how you can update your device’s software:
- Plug your device to your computer using its USB cable.
- Open iTunes
- iTunes will see your device and select your device under the Devices menu.
- Click “Check for Update” then “Download and Update”
See also: How To Sign In To From Your iPad Or iPhone
Mine is saying updating iCloud settings and in been saying this for almost 3 hours now what do I do?
It worked! Thanks!!
Thank you!
Apple could easily negate all of these issues, just by adding a progress bar on this function. People are only pissed because it is not clear what is happening and when youthink about it there is a heck of a lot of data being transferred. All photos, emails apps and other saved data – could take hours and hours. Apple need to tell people this.
There is a progress bar. Just click on the “more info” icon right next to the amount of data it’s reporting as uploading.
Hang in there — I needed a new battery for my iphone 6s. According to Apples website, they recommend updating software before bringing the device in for a new battery.
I did a software update on my 6s — phone locked up with only apple logo showing on screen. Made an appt w/ Apple store for the next day. Arrived at Apple store 12;20 , Richie a very nice young man helped me. Ritchie had to wipe the phone and then reinstall the update. No prob, had everything backed up on icloud. phone went into the backroom at 12:45 for battery surgury – Richie said new battery would be ready by 1;30 — Walked around the mall for awhile, came back @1:30. Had a diff person (Jack) help me to restore my iphone off of icloud. Took Jack a couple of tries, restarting once, until the software update was a success and was ready for migrating data from Icloud to my 6s. Jack said it would “take a while” that it will work in the background.
A couple of hours go by, all I’m getting on the screen is “Updating iCloud Settings” — restarting the phone a couple of times did nothing. About 5 hours later everything updated and working correctly.
So my take is that it just takes some time — don’t panic –I had about 25gb to transfer from Icloud to my 6s — prob depends how busy the network is download speed, etc.
Give it time — it will complete.
Glad im not the only one dealing with this. now i dont feel so bad
Press volume down and then volume up and then the restart button. It reboots to get out of the cycle.
Restart your device. When it prompts you to enter your apple ID, choose SET UP LATER instead of entering your password.
Any answers. My son has autism and his. Ipad means everything to him. Got locked had to restore now stuck on updating icloud.what can i do please help me
I am stuck now after updating my iPhone 6 plus. When I reached on ” Updating iCloud settings” I can see the message , Could not sing In. I am having a headache for this!
2018 and this problem has gone from 12 to 36 hours long to months long. A lot of iphones are hacked now resulting in Apple getting to f*ck users around even more. I must say though, the Apple employees are great but the owners of Apple need to stop being such uneccissarily, obnoxiously lazy rich turds.
if it is stuck on updating, why would you suggest updating then??? Brilliant!!
Set up later worked for me also
I made a mistake to used iPhone. My unit is 6plus when. IOS 11.3 shows for update I tried to do so in a step by step manner, but holy shit it takes forever. Until I force to shut it off I did press the on/off button until the apple logo show up then I press the home button like a minutes or so and shit happen again, it shows the support. Very nice! This is ridiculous!!!
I think we need to send it to Apple for a factory restore…very nice
I got the same problem. try everything said above but neither of them worked. when i connect to itune and try to restore, it says turn off find my iphone. how can i do that if i can’t go to setting on my phone. Please help.
it starts from the beginning WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it’s a bug…unless someone in here can really write the solution for this :
after latest update ipad air stuck on apple ID login (verification failed : Apple ID or password not correct)
-not possible to skip this step. I f I try doing so it restart from the same point…Apple login …
-not possible to reset the device from Itunes : Itunes prompt that “find my iphone” is activated…
Nice one eh?
So all the tekky guys out there…if you ever encountered the same “criticality” please reply…before i throw away the apple’s product. Thanks
Did you fix this, stuck in a loop with this 🙁
Have you got any solution for this issue. I am at this same situation and have no idea how to fix it.
Mine has been stuck on the updating iCloud settings for 3 days nearly. My friends took 2 days. It’s aerio frustrating but I think it’s becUse we have so many photos and apps.
I’ve done a “Force Restart” (pressed and holded both the “Sleep/Wake (On/Off)” and “Home” buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appeared) and then the message continued appearing just for a while (maybe 2 or 3 minutes) and then disappeared.
Tom is right, simply skip the step where you are prompted for your password.
Tap “skip this step”
You will get into your phone and from there you can add it.
In my case it was my son’s iPad and the issue was that my router was blocking the communication. I discovered this when I had the idea to by pass the home wifi and connect the iPad to my iPhone through the Hotspot function – I could finally sign into iCloud and accept the terms.
I noticed later than my router setting, which blocks access to adult sites to my son’s iPad was the issue. I removed the restrictions and everything worked fine…so it seems the router was the cause
This was the exact reason my children’s iPads were not authenticating with iCloud. I had spent all day troubleshooting why we couldn’t download any apps and once I removed the firewall adult site filters for their devices, everything started working. Thanks for posting this solution!
I did the Force Reset as outlined above and that worked. I hate the iPhone. I only have it because my employer forces me to have one.
thank you so much your a genius it helped me alot i was worried for a while
When it prompts you to enter your apple ID, choose set up later instead of entering your password. Mine was also stuck on this screen and this worked for me. Just enter your apple ID password once you’re back into your phone. Hope this works for everyone
Thanks Tom! worked for me.
this worked for me too!
Phew! I think I have solved my problem at least. I used iTunes. Please orgive me if my instructions are not tecchie – but it worked.
1. Shut down the new device by holding the On/ Off button until the slider appears: turn off the iPad
2. Connect the lightning cable to the new device power up a laptop (I suppose this may work with any other device that runs your iTunes)
3. Hold down the HOME button on the iPad and connect this device to the laptop.
4. OPen iTunes: this should pick up your new iPad and recognise it needs to be restored. Release the HOME button once the iPad shows the iTunes instruction.
5. Select Restore and Backup
I cannot believe what I am reading. Why hasn’t Apple sorted this out? Today I bought a new iPad I completed all the set-up details and waited – in eager anticipation – to start to restore. I am still waiting!! 8 hours now. Like you, my iPad just keeps saying ‘Press start to continue update to ios 11.02’.
What is going on? I have tried everything suggested online about resets etc. to no avail. Is there any hope of getting the device operating this year?
i have just downloaded the IOS 11 on my iPhone 6 and have began pressed skip this step when asked for my apple ID and ever since all its been saying ‘updating iCloud settings’ for the past 2 hours, why is this happening?
I have a new iPad. During setting it up, when it got to updating iCloud settings, it has be stuck for 2 hours. I tried holding down on button with no success.
I have a new iPad. During setting it up, when it got to updating iCloud settings, it has be stuck for 2 hours. I tried holding down on button with no success.
I have new iPad. When I was setting up everything, and got to updating iCloud settings, it has been working for two hours. I tried holding down power button but nothing happened.
This is exactly what is happening to mine! It’s been since 8:50 and it’s now 12:07 and I can’t power off or skip anything!! Did you get passed this??
My settings screen freezes and I can’t accept icloud terms or use any apple id features because it says authentication failed.
I got lost because I can’t access the internet or maps.
My messages just started working and sent me messages from 2016.
I want to restore to backup older ios but can’t deactivate find my iphone. MASSIVE FAIL. Messing with my livelihood right now.
my iPad is done updating.. it appears on the screen “press home to finish setting up ios 11.0″>>>”updated complete” message>>>”Enter the apple ID password for your email”. Either i enter my password or hit skip this step.. “Updating iCloud settings” message appear for seconds then I start from the beginning.. “press home to finish setting up ios 11.0” I have iPad air
Hi Naji , i have thw same issue , did u find a solution ?
did anyone find a solution to this bc I’m having the same prob
I have exactly the same issue, did you fix yours ?
naji did u find solution. i am having same prob in iphone x. its comes back to hello screen and restore or update completed and then apple id passwrod and goes to update icloud settings and then return to hello screen
Can anybody tell what you ended up doing?
I am facing the same problem now, and have tried both the hard restore, restoring through iTunes, making sure that I’m connected to the internet etc.
I’ve never had any issues with updating iPhones until today, iOS11, it took a long time to update, then my phone powered down or seemed to be bricked because it didn’t power up.
Eventually I managed to switch it back on, but now all I get it “updating icloud settings”, it takes forever and never ends. I’ve tried power cycling several times, but it just goes back to the same display.
And seeing that this isn’t anything new makes me really angry, I’ve wasted an afternoon trying to get my iPhone 6s back to life. Given the size and resources of Apple, this is completely unacceptable, especially as they’re seems to be a long history going back years of the same problem.
I tried all of the above with an iphone 7.
iTunes sees my phone and all the music downloaded to the phone again.
Now back to white screen and “updating icloud settings”.
Connected to v fast wifi with both notebook and iphone.
This has been going on for over 12 hours now.
Idead any luck? Mines been like that over 12 hrs
Mine is a new iPad Pro. When setting it up I chose iCloud and it has been updating iCloud settings for 2 days. I can’t even get the apple logo when I press and hold the power button! I am really frustrated!!!
Dear Sandra,
Didn’t you lose all you data after updating?
same happen to me 36 hours now ….
The system logs into ICloud ok, then when I try to continue it asks for Apple ID to download purchases and fails to log in. I am logged in on ITunes without an issue. WTH?