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  1. That’s weird, I WAS running Desktop for YouTube App on my Mac, which is running Ventura 13.7.1. Until yesterday, it ran just fine, but it won’t run properly today. So I uninstalled it and now you tell me it won’t run on that OS? I’m not computer savvy (being a child of the 1960’s) but I’m not a complete idiot, being able to converse in 5 languages. That said, I once found Apple products far easier to use than Microsoft ones, but the more time goes by, the more Apple has become less user friendly to those of us who don’t have 60 hours a week to devote to learning how to do what once was very simple. The whole computer world is largely a waste of time as far as I can see. The old adage; ‘If it isn’t broken, it doesn’t need fixing.’ is not known to Silicon Valley it seems.

  2. I tried going through the steps in this article “How to install YouTube app on my mac”.
    However when I got to the step
    Click File…I don’t have the option “ADD TO DOC”.
    You included an example so I know EXACTLY where to look-unfortunately it “add to doc” wasn’t on my computer.💻
    (the picture shows it being right under:
    Export as PDF…

    I don’t know what else to do. I really want the YouTube on my doc. Darn it.

    1. You will need to be running Sonoma or later to use web apps. If you have Ventura or earlier, it won’t work.

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