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  1. Clicking on “Allow, or Always Allow” will never be done by this user due to the vagueness of the pop-up. If this is an Apple application, it needs to be identified, and be able to be verified by us “Commoners” who have little to no tech knowledge.
    Apple dropped the ball, if, in fact, this is their pop-up application.
    Apple products have been used since buying my first Apple 2e back in the early to mid 80’s, however, all tech companies are now suspect in the user world.

  2. I resent the fact that outside sources (supportive or not) seek to gain more and more control over my Mac book pro …by upgrading some apps, some legitimate musical data in my iTunes has been trimmed or simply eliminated to make me re buy and download musics albums and cds I had loaded in the past. Though I appreciate them, I do not trust Apple products anymore…

  3. I concur. There needs to be a standard recognizable way for a software process to identify itself, establish its identity, answer questions, and build trust. This front-floating alert from AMPDevicesAgent doesn’t do any of them well. Apple needs to have a method of doing this that cannot be spoofed by malware that could simply pop up a window that looks and acts identically to a window such as this one. They have to take it to security conferences and demo it and challenge the world to spoof it. And they need to tell me exactly how it works, and how to recognize it. This whole field is waiting for solutions.

  4. I have never had this pop up “AMPDevicesAgent” appear until today when I was syncing my iPhone to my lap top music library. I do not like this. Please do away with this. I don’t even know what my keychain password is. Please delete this from Catalina users computers!!!!!!!!

  5. I hope, one day, these Apple techies will start thinking in the real world and not in theirs which xcludes most of their customers. When are you going to make Apple systems user friendly?

  6. This whole thing is bizarre and poorly executed. I now have a new password for my device and the AMPDevicesAgent won’t accept it. I just want to plug in my phone ffs.

  7. If this is a legit apple change, they get an F for implementation and communication…even now. Does not instil confidence.

    1. Totally support that.
      I just wonder if this is one of those issues where there is no issue but the organisation is just seeking to find out what people do with a non-sensical warning or question. I remember a study in New York where a chap was paid to ask questions about fluoridation of the water; they were not the slightest bit interested in fluoridation but they were interested in classifying responses. (This was in the 1960s.)

  8. While I cannot currently offer up a solution to this, I believe that apple needs to attempt to standardize and secure all communications with the user involving splash-boxes. This one is more vague than I am used to seeing from apple but all messages need to be backed up by authentication/verification to ensure you are not responding to a malicious app. Possibly the use of a secondary authentication app such as Google Authenticator or the likes.

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