How to Export Your Entire iPhone Contacts List
There are a variety of reasons you may want to export all of your iPhone (iCloud) contacts:
- It is a good way to make a backup of your contacts.
- You may want to import your contacts on a non-Apple device, like an Android phone.
- You can share your contacts with others.
How to export all iPhone contacts
You can create a copy of all your iPhone contacts from your iPhone, iPad, or Mac, or you can use
On iPhone or iPad
- Open the Contacts app. On iPhone, you can open the Phone app and select the Contacts tab.
- On iPhone, tap on Lists in the upper-left corner. On iPad, tap the sidebar button in the upper-left corner.
- Press and hold on the contacts list you want to export. You can select All Contacts or one of your lists, such as All Gmail or All iCloud. Select Export from the menu that appears.
- All fields except Notes are selected by default. If you want to include your notes, tap on Select All Fields (if you are making a backup copy for yourself, you would probably want to save your notes). Tap Done.
- Choose Save to Files. Select the save location, then tap Save. If you want to share your contacts with someone else, instead of saving the vCard file, you can choose a contact’s name or an app, such as Messages.
- Your contacts will be saved as a vCard file named something like All Contacts.vcf or All Gmail.vcf.
On Mac
- Open the Contacts app.
- From the left sidebar, select the contacts list you want to export, such as All Contacts.
- Go to the top menu bar and select File. Select Export, then Export vCard
- Choose a name for your file and a save location, then click Save.
- Open a browser on a desktop computer (or tablet) and navigate to
- Click on the cogwheel in the lower-left corner and then Select All.
- Click on the cogwheel again and select Export vCard. It will immediately be saved to your Downloads folder. The name will be something silly like Betty Adams and 299 others.vcf, so you may want to change the name of the file and move it to a more permanent location.
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