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  1. I was backing up to time machine with my MacBook pro using Big Sur 11.6.8
    All of a sudden the computer couldn’t finish the back up and no longer recognized my external drive. After checking out everything with apple, it appears that my hard drive is corrupted and could not even be seen on another computer. This happened after I updated my software Don’t know what’s going on.

  2. I have a filemaker file .fmp in my iPhone that I would like to send back to the iMac. The iMac file seems corrupted. Time machine will restore up to 24 hours but not any longer than that. I tried sending it via Airdrop, but it only accepts file formats I cannot handle.

  3. I have OS Big Sur 11.6.2 on my MacBook Pro, and OS 12 on my iMac. I successfully conduct the Time Machine back up from my OS 12 desktop to my external hard drive. But when I go to use the external hard drive on my MacBook Pro (11.6.2) it does not read the external drive and I have to go to Disk Utility and perform First Aid every single time so it recognises the hard drive. It never used to do this and I could freely interchange use between the two computers and systems. I refuse to update my MacBook Pro to OS 12 which has been an absolute nightmare on my iMac – always crashing with Illustrator, not compatible with printers, etc.

  4. I am running Catalina and Time Machine was working with no issues, Since returning from 4 weeks of travel without my external HD, I have reconnected it and Time Machine does not work. It recognises the HD and when I select “backup now”, I see “preparing backup” for a few seconds and then nothing. No error messages. “Last backup” still shows as 3 January. Have tried restarting the Mac, re-selecting the HD, and updating the system software.

  5. My Macbook Big Sur 11.6 tried to back up this morning but it would not overwrite a backup from my previous computer o ran out of pace. I erased everything on the back up disk and tried again but now it tell me the back up disk is not available. I’ve repaired the disk, see that it is mounted, i formatted correctly, shut down the computer twice and the back up drive, but nothing changes.

  6. My problems started with BigSur, too. Sometimes my iMac recognizes the backup drive, sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes, even when it recognizes the drive, it won’t back up. Just a pain in my posterior.

  7. My iMac was backing up fine under Big Sur until the latest update, 11.5.2. Now it seems too be doing a complete backup and never finishes, nor does it show time remaining. It has shown “Backing up 131.45 GB” for many hours.

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