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  1. In step 4 above, what does this mean? “Important: You will need to reenter all your email settings after performing these steps.”
    I performed step 4 while in Single User Mode, from the terminal. launched Mail to see if it was working and if I could get new mail; both were true. Then rebooted the computer into normal user mode. launched mail. getting new messages and all the folders still in place.

  2. tried all of above but cannot get mail to open once the issue occurred. I reinstalled from a backup and seemd ok fro a fw hours then problem arose again, posibly becasue of the latest update which would not haveb een on the version that was part of my back up. HELP

  3. Hi there – I have tried using your solution ~/Library/Containers/ with the error message – Mail Cannot Save Information About Your Mailboxes Because There Isn’t Enough Space In Your Home Folder.

    I still get the error message 😔 Any other solution you can recommend?


    1. I have tried all of this and more, yet I still get the error message. Everything was fine until Catalina. So frustrating.

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