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  1. Hey guys I tried everything that is said here and finally got it to work. I had to enable listen for “hey Siri” on my phone only then could I get “hey Siri” to work on my Mac. Try it out good luck

  2. Did everything. Siri only works when I click on the Siri button. Doesn’t respond to Hey Siri. Microphone is working, input volume set to max, and lid on my laptop is up.

      1. I upgraded to Big Sur and then did the one fix. Siri did not work. I erased Big Sur and reinstalled without the fix. Siri now works. In both cases Siri did NOT show in the list as requesting microphone use. So I think it is fix related. I have a 2013 MacBook Air.

        1. Hey I hope by now you guys were able to find ways to resolve the problem with your Siris. For me, I basically reset her by:

          Going into “System Preferences” > Clicking on “Siri” > unchecking the box “Enable Ask Siri”, then rechecking it > Made sure to check the box “Listen for “Hey Siri” > went through her recognizing my voice

          And she worked as good as new. I think the Monterey 12 update might have made her forget my voice or something.

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